TEDxYale Fifth Annual Flagship Conference

TEDxYale is excited to present our fifth annual flagship conference on this October 15th! Together, audience members will Mind the Gap, exploring solutions to the barriers, disparities, and incongruities within themselves, among communities, and across the world. Join us to hear 15 inspiring speakers, from economists and health-journalists to engineers and tech CEOs, share their work.

The event will be held in the Levinson Auditorium at the Yale Law School. Buy your tickets now! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tedxyale-2016-mind-the-gap-tic…

Student tickets are only $10; general admission is $15. More information is available on our website: http://tedxyale.com/2016

A link to our event trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPDX3ByK76A