The Yale Undergraduate Lifetime Achievement Award (YULAA) was established by YCC President Michael Herbert ‘16 in conjunction with the President’s Office in order to recognize Yale College alumni for their outstanding work in a particular field. The award’s inaugural recipient was former President George H.W. Bush. It is the only award in Ivy League history to be selected and administered entirely by students, and the recipients are selected by a student body vote.
The annual award aims to recognize an alum for:
Being a passionate member of the undergraduate community during his/her/their time at Yale and harnessing the diverse resources of Yale College
Demonstrating an unparalleled and selfless commitment to specific projects in his/her/their professional career
Serving as a source of inspiration for Yale students through his/her/their success in and dedication to his/her/their specific cause or field
Because the award aims to cultivate a richer dialogue between students and alumni, the winner will receive the award and attend a ceremony on campus.
Previous recipients
Former President George H.W. Bush ‘48
Five members of the YCC traveled to former President George H.W. Bush ’48 Walker Point residence in Kennebunkport, Maine, on May 15, 2015 to present him with the award. Story here.
American broadcast journalist Anderson Cooper ‘89
Anderson Cooper '89 returned to campus on April 22, 2016 to receive the Yale Undergraduate Lifetime Achievement Award from YCC President Joe English ‘17. Story here.
Artist Maya Lin ‘81
Maya Lin ‘81 ARC '86 was presented the award at an on-campus ceremony by Peter Huang YC ‘18. Story here.
Actress Jodie Foster ‘85
Matthew Guido ’19 presents Jodie Foster ’85 with the fourth annual Yale Undergraduates’ Lifetime Achievement Award at Battell Chapel on April 19, 2017. Story here.
Former President George W. Bush ‘68
A delegation of students from Yale traveled to Dallas, Texas on April 29, 2018 to award President George W. Bush ’68 B.A. Story here.
Left to right: Valentina Wakeman ‘20 B.A., Duncan Moore ’20 B.A., Saloni Rao ’20 B.A., President George W. Bush ’68 B.A., Laura Bush, Heidi Dong ’20 B.S., Isaiah Affron ‘20 B.A.